Tuesday, December 16, 2014

It's Official

Last Night's Bath
I’ll give you a quick recap of what we did today officially, then I’ll let you know how things have gone with Susan since last night.

We first went to the registration office, where we picked Susan up yesterday.  We had a short (5 minute) ceremony where they gave us certificates making our adoption official.  We next drove to another building and walked up 6 flights (no elevators!) for an appointment with a notary.  I’m not exactly sure what that was about but we gave a bunch of money and had our photo taken.

After lunch we drove to one more appointment to apply for Susan’s Chinese passport.  She’ll only need it one time, for her trip home.  After that she’ll be an American and can apply for a US passport.

Here’s the latest on Susan.  Her instruction paper that we got the other day said that she likes baths so we gave her one last night.  So fun – lots of splashes and giggles.

Attempting to Use Chopsticks on Watermelon at Breakfast
Bedtime was another story.  Tons of tears.  She cried for over an hour before going to sleep.  Then she only slept until 3am and cried for another hour.  When she was finally done crying, she laughed and played for two more hours, finally falling asleep at about 6am.  Then she woke up at 6:30 for the morning!  Of course, she was pretty tired today.  There were lots of tears but we also got to hear that super fun giggle of hers. She ended the day with a long play session with her brothers.  There was lots of hysterical laughter. We’re hoping for a little more sleep tonight.
By the Christmas Tree in Hotel Lobby
Getting Adoption Certificate with Tired Little Susan