Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The intent of this blog is for family and friends (and anyone else who'd like to pray for us) to keep up with us while we travel to China to bring this beautiful little girl home. Hence the unimaginative title, Krueger Adoption Trip.  I didn't want to call it our adoption journey because the journey actually started over twenty years ago when we began the discussion on international adoption. I'm pretty sure we didn't even have a computer back then, never-mind internet, and I'm positive that there was no such thing as a blog.

A few words on what to expect...  Everyone who knows me well, knows that I'm not a writer, so my posts will likely be short.  And they probably won't be full of emotion.  Don't mistake my lack of writing about my emotions with the lack of feeling them.  We're so in love with this child who we haven't even met yet.

I love that we're adopting at Christmastime.  Jesus was adopted.  And his life, death, and resurrection give each of us the opportunity to be adopted as sons by the Father.

Here's the itinerary:
Dec 10 - Leave Boston
Dec 11 - Arrive Beijing
Dec 12-13 - Tour Beijing, recover from jet-lag
Dec 14 - Fly to Zhengzhou
Dec 15 - Gotcha Day!
Dec 19 - Fly to Guangzhou
Dec 23 - US consulate appointment
Dec 25 - Merry Christmas! Fly home from Hong Kong

Now you only have to check back for pictures!