We’re here in Zhengzhou waiting for our childrens’ passports
to be finished. We applied the other day
and they should be ready by tomorrow when we fly to Guangzhou.
This morning we went to see the orphanage where our children
came from. This is where Susan spent the
first 10 or 11 months of her life before being placed with her foster
family. We were not able to meet her
foster family although they lived very close to the orphanage (we’ve seen video
of her using the orphanage playground).
We chose not to bring Susan on this trip in case we were able to meet
her foster family. We didn’t want to
cause any additional trauma to her so she and Todd had some nice quiet time
back at the hotel.
She’s slept a lot today.
Probably recovering from last night.
It was a better night overall than the one before (less desperate wailing)
but she was still up quite a bit crying.
I’m so glad we got to go to the orphanage today.
It was a nice facility with lots of nannies
looking after the kids.
But it was still
so sad to think of these kiddos there with no families – picture daycare
We got to see the set of rooms
where Susan spent her time as an infant.
The nannies there remembered her.
There’s usually a set of nannies for a certain number of children.
They are assigned to a group of rooms, a play
area and one or two bedrooms.
children spend almost all of their time there.
Susan’s area was in a special wing of the orphanage that is sponsored by
our adoption agency. These rooms were quite a bit larger and nicer with more
nannies it seemed. I’m so thankful that
she had that opportunity.
This evening our hotel had live Christmas music in the
lobby. So fun. Then they did a special dinner. The boys were laughing when the waiter told
them that they could have beer if they were 14 years old.
This is the look we got most of today |
Drive to orphanage - Surrounding area not so nice |
Three in a stroller! |
One of the bedrooms for Susan's 1st year |
Other bedroom |
Play Area for Baby Susan |
Lots of Laundry! Just drying across the hall |
Entrance to Orphanage |
Christmas Music at Hotel |
Tired Susan at Dinner |
Who wouldn't be freaked out with these crazy brothers |